Review of the Year 2022: Sean Kemple, managing director, Close Brothers Premium Finance

03 January 2023 News Read time 3m
Seán Kemple


In the latest part of Insurance Age's review of the year Sean Kemple, managing director, Close Brothers Premium Finance offers his reflections on 2022 and predictions for the next 12 months. 

What has been your broking related highlight of 2022? 

The focused and impressive approach taken right across the industry to align us all to the fair pricing changes in January 2022. The return of the British Insurance Brokers’ Association conference was pretty good too. 

What has been the most over-hyped insurance trend of 2022 and why? 

Embedded insurance and autonomous vehicles. Lots of trees cut down to cover these two issues, and a lot of hot air expelled too. 

What was the most surprising industry event of 2022 and why?

Brown & Brown acquiring GRP was a major surprise, but a good one, bringing another US major player into our market.

What is the one insurance buzzword or phrase from 2022 you would like to see consigned to the dustbin in 2023? 

I’d like to ban anyone from saying ‘price walking’.

On a scale of 1-10 how good a year do you think the FCA has had and why? 

It’s a tough job but someone has to do it, and we should acknowledge that regulation is a necessity.

How many ‘Dear CEO’ letters are you expecting from the regulator in 2023? Where do you keep them? 

More than is needed, and they’re kept at the top of my priority list.

If Santa could deliver the same present to all of your insurer partners, what would it to be? 

To all, not just insurers, an end to the war in Ukraine and its impact on the economy.

Which insurance person, or firm would you recommend Insurance Age readers keep an eye out for in 2023 as ‘one to watch’? 

This is like asking me to pick my favourite child.

Who from the UK insurance sector do you think would be best equipped to be Prime Minister given the present turmoil - and why? 

A combination of [Marsh UK & Ireland CEO] Chris Lay, [Aviva group CEO] Amanda Blanc, [Ardonagh Retail CEO] Ian Donaldson, and [GRP Group CEO] Mike Bruce. A composite of all four might look a little strange, but they’ll bring energy, duty, integrity and vision to a job where these qualities at sorely needed. 

Roll on to December 2023, what might have happened over the previous 12 months to have made it a ‘good year’ for you? 

Economic stability, supply chain strength, a deeper and broader talent pool. Secondly a successful implementation of Consumer Duty and the end to the war in Ukraine.

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